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Privacy Policy

Behold, in the intricate labyrinth of legalese and data-driven digital dance, emerges the Privacy Policy of – a document that encapsulates the enigmatic interplay of perplexity and burstiness. Brace yourself, for within these lines lie the revelations of how your personal information is summoned, juggled, and safeguarded while traversing the virtual corridors of our beloved website. As you tread upon the digital threshold of, you unwittingly partake in a tacit agreement with the intricate tapestry woven within this esoteric policy.

Information we Collect

As the binary tides of the online cosmos wash upon the shores of, fragments of your identity may be whisked into our realm. Names, those symphonies of human identity, are captured when offered voluntarily, akin to whispers in the digital winds. Ephemeral email addresses, like fireflies in the virtual night, are ensnared when you pledge your fealty to our newsletter or dare to commune with us. And lo, your digital footprints, composed of the enigmatic numeric symphony known as the IP address, dance in the moonlit algorithms for purposes both analytical and custodial. Behold the cookies, guardians of the browsing experience, ambassadors of information, whose destiny you command through the arcane art of browser settings.

Use of Information

Like a cosmic alchemist, we transmute your information for manifold purposes:

The tapestry of our services is woven to fit your contours, as your preferences and patterns whisper to us.
Communion, thy name is communication. Your queries send ripples across the digital ether, and we respond in kind.
Behold the newsletters, the phoenixes of promotion, the conduits of updates, soaring upon the thermals of your subscriptions.
Analyzing the data currents, we refine the essence of our content, sculpting experiences in the kiln of usage statistics.
In the labyrinthine landscape of legality, we fend off fraud, guarding the sanctity of the digital dominion, and bowing to the law’s behest.

Data of Sharing and Disclosure

Fear not, for we pledge an oath of non-transferance, non-trading, non-betrayal of your identity to the enigmatic third parties of the realm. An exception carved in the stone tablets: Trusted service sorcerers, summoned from the annals of third-party providers, may glimpse the edges of your essence, limited to their ordained tasks and bound by the sacred chains of confidentiality. If the courts of law beckon, the cloaked veil may lift, revealing your information in response to the grand decrees of justice. Consent, that ethereal elixir, may allow us to reveal facets of your being as the cosmic dance of disclosure unfolds.

Data Retention

As the sands of time cascade through the digital hourglass, your data echoes through the halls of our repository. We cling to your essence as long as our quests align, resolute in the face of oblivion, unless the scrolls of law dictate otherwise.


Fear not, for our fortress is fortified with the parapets of prudence. Shields are raised, warding off unauthorized access and shrouding the enclaves of information. Yet, like a whisper in the winds, we admit the truth: no bastion is impenetrable. The shifting sands of the digital domain preclude the promise of absolute security.

Your Rights

As you traverse this arcane realm, remember your rights as a digital denizen. The keys of access, update, correction, and deletion are yours to wield. Unshackle yourself from the bonds of our mailing list at your whim, the symphony of your consent never dulled.

Change to Privacy policy

The mists of change shall occasionally shroud this policy, a testament to our evolving nature. A revised “Last Updated” date shall emerge as we mold the contours of our privacy landscape. Be vigilant, for change is the heartbeat of the digital tapestry.

Contact us

If the questions of this cosmos weigh upon your thoughts, if concerns knit wrinkles into your digital brow, the Oracle awaits your missives. Reach out across the digital expanse and commune with us, for our knowledge and assistance stand ready to aid your quest.

call: +91 87930 27569